James Dobson, of Focus on the Family, recently wrote to his followers, "Barring a miracle, the family as it has been known for more than five millennia will crumble, presaging the fall of Western civilization itself."
Gary Bauer, head of the Campaign for Working Families, wrote to his supporters: "If you still think homosexual 'marriage' won't affect you, think again. Your job may be at stake! ... Once the state approves of homosexual 'marriages,' the full weight of the law will be brought down against men and women of faith who believe in Judeo-Christian values."
I don't know how else to say it: "WTF?!!"
These completely absurd and baseless comments serve one purpose and one purpose only: to terrify conservative religious folks into sending money to these organizations AND to mobilize these same folks into voting Republican.
Bush, at the direction of his election guru, Karl Rove, is likewise pushing this same issue trying to manipulate his ultra conservative base into action. Frankly this is, to me, a traditionally democratic ploy: create a crisis where none exists to mobilize the coach potatos.
"...giving gay couples the right to marry is, when you think about it, a conservative measure, demanding of gays that they live up to standards of fidelity, responsibility and commitment never before asked of them. It is pro-family, uniting those gay family members with their siblings and parents in the unifying ritual of civil marriage. Why cannot marriage be defined by the virtues it includes rather than the people it excludes?" Andrew Sullivan in Time
Just how many people does James Dobson think are going to marry someone of the same sex? How exactly will this destroy the fabric of our culture? It's not like otherwise straight happy people are going to turn gay because it's OK. There is no story here.
So maybe you do believe homosexuality is sinful (you can be fully Christ-like and believe it's OK), Still, it is no more a sin than lying or adultry or fornication or overeating or smoking or cussing or bowing to a graven image of the ten commandments or lust---that would include reading Maxim boys. Bush and the fear mongers want us to legislate morality. Since the church has failed, they think, only the government can save us from this evil world... THE ONLY THING DIFFERENT ABOUT THE SIN OF HOMOSEXUALITY IS THAT IT'S THE ONLY SIN THAT MOST CHRISTIANS ARE SURE THEY WOULD NEVER DO! This is not the heart of God, it's prejudice.
Don't we have better things to concern ourselves about?
I say marry them all, and let God sort it out!
Peace, Love, and Holy Unions, Kel
Saturday, July 24, 2004
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I never quite thought about it like that.
It's at least something to ponder.
Funky, that's the most sensible comment on this question that I've seen or heard. I like especially
"But wait, isn't homosexuality sin? Absolutely yes, BUT it is no more a sin than lying or adultry or fornication or overeating or smoking or cussing (WTF?) or bowing to a graven image of the ten commandments"
In fact you're the only person besides myself that I know that says that. We also have a unique distinction: the two and only two "liberal Christians" in this blog community.
My specs are much like yours, and I'd like to share blogs (and theological opinions) with you.
Good to see other liberal Christians out there. Our voices are awfully quiet underneath the din of folks like Dobson, et al.
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